Which is better PVC or aluminum gutters?

I am confused between PVC and aluminum gutters. Which is better, PVC or aluminum gutters?

Question from Brian Williams - Mon 2021-03-17

Answers 2

  • It depends on your climate. PVC gutters are better in cold climates because they don't expand and contract as much with the weather changes. Aluminum gutters are better in hot climates because they don't heat up as much as PVC and can warp.

    Response from Joshua Ramirez - Mon 2022-08-29

    PVC gutters are less expensive and easier to install, but they are also less durable than aluminum gutters. Aluminum gutters are more expensive, but they last longer and are better at preventing leaks. Ultimately, the decision between PVC and aluminum gutters will come down to personal preference and budget constraints. PVC gutters are a good option for people who want an affordable solution, while aluminum gutters are a good option for people who want a more durable solution.

    Response from Anthony Lee - Mon 2022-12-10

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