Does radiant heat increase home value?

I am planning on installing a radiant heating system. Does radiant heat increase home value?

Question from Thomas Taylor - Mon 2021-03-30

Answers 2

  • Radiant heating systems are known for their energy efficiency and ability to keep a home warm. They work by sending heat directly into the floor or walls, which then warms up the room.While there are many benefits to using a radiant heating system, there are a few things you should be aware of before installing one. First, Radiant heat will increase the humidity level in your home. You may want to consider investing in a dehumidifier if you have allergies or asthma. Second, Radiant heat can cause your furniture and carpeting to fade over time. Make sure you choose furniture and carpeting that can withstand the high temperatures of radiant heat. Finally, Radiant heat can be quite expensive to install.

    Response from Susan Scott - Mon 2022-12-16

    There is no definitive answer to this question since research on the potential health risks associated with radiant heat is still ongoing. However, some studies have shown that exposure to certain types of radiation (including infrared radiation) may increase the risk of cancer. More research is needed in order to determine whether or not radiant heat poses a significant cancer risk.

    Response from Gary Weber - Mon 2022-11-29

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