What to do if underfloor heating stops working?

My underfloor heating has stopped working. What to do if underfloor heating stops working?

Question from Carol Jones - Mon 2021-03-13

Answers 2

  • If your underfloor heating stops working, the first thing you should check is whether the thermostat is turned on. If it is on and the heating isn't coming on, then you may need to call a technician. If the thermostat is off, make sure that it's set to heat and then turn it up to see if the heating comes on. If neither of those things fixes the problem, you may need to check the fuse box or breaker panel to see if there's a tripped breaker or blown fuse. If there is, reset it or replace the fuse and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesn't, you may need to call a technician.

    Response from Roohi John - Mon 2022-12-31

    If your underfloor heating stops working, you'll need to determine the cause of the problem. Here are some things to check: -Is the power on? -Is there a tripped breaker or blown fuse? -Is the thermostat set to "on"? -Is the thermostat set to the correct temperature? -Is there something blocking the heaters? -Are the heaters dirty or clogged?

    Response from Test Test - Mon 2022-10-19

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