What is the average price of retaining wall installation?

I need the help of experts to come help with retaining wall installation. What is the average price of retaining wall installation?

Question from Linda Allen - Mon 2021-03-31

Answers 2

  • The average price for retaining wall installation can vary depending on the height, length and material of the wall. Generally, a professionally installed concrete or masonry retaining wall will cost between $10 and $25 per square foot. If you are looking to install a retaining wall yourself, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the soil is stable and well-draining; if it is not, you may need to install drainage pipes beneath the wall. Also, choose a robust material that can withstand the weight of soil and water; options include stone, concrete, brick or timber. Finally, always use a professional contractor to ensure that your retaining wall is correctly installed and safe.

    Response from Aaa Aaa - Mon 2022-06-30

    It depends on the size and type of retaining wall, as well as the materials used. Generally speaking, a retaining wall can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Some factors that can affect the cost of a retaining wall include: -The height and length of the wall -The width and depth of the footing or base of the wall -The type of material used for the wall (stone, brick, etc.) -The type of soil being held back by the wall

    Response from Mark Thompson - Mon 2022-09-14

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