What is the easiest retaining wall to build?

I am building a retaining wall. What is the easiest retaining wall to build?

Question from Elizabeth King - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • The easiest retaining wall to build is a low, gravity-based wall. A low, gravity-based wall is the simplest type of retaining wall because it relies on its own weight to resist pressure from behind the wall. This type of wall can be constructed using a variety of materials, including earth, masonry blocks, or concrete.

    Response from Jennifer Young - Mon 2022-07-28

    There is no easy answer when it comes to building a retaining wall. Different retaining walls will be easier or more difficult to build, depending on the materials used and the design of the wall. However, in general, a simple earth retaining wall can be an easy option for homeowners who are looking to create a DIY project.An earth retaining wall is made from soil that is piled up against a structure, such as a house or fence. The soil is held in place by either wooden or metal stakes that are hammered into the ground next to the soil pile. This type of wall is usually not very tall, and it is not designed to hold back large amounts of earth or water. However, it can be a great option.

    Response from Shea Rangi - Mon 2022-11-04

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