How do you repair metal gutters?

I am repairing the metal gutters myself. How do you repair metal gutters?

Question from Mary Robinson - Mon 2021-03-29

Answers 2

  • The best way to repair metal gutters is by using a sealant that will prevent the water from seeping through the cracks. You can buy a sealant at your local hardware store. Make sure to clean the surface of the gutter before applying the sealant. If there are any dents in the gutter, you can use a hammer and piece of metal to fix them. Once the sealant has dried, your gutter should be good as new!

    Response from Emily Campbell - Mon 2022-10-17

    There a few ways that you can repair metal gutters. You can use sealant or caulk to fill in any cracks or holes, or you can use a wire brush to clean off the rust and then use a paintable enamel to coat the gutter. Make sure that you allow the enamel to dry completely before using the gutter.

    Response from Kevin Lewis - Mon 2022-07-15

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