What goes under shower pan?

I want to install a shower pan. What goes under the shower pan?

Question from David Wilson - Mon 2021-04-08

Answers 2

  • The shower pan itself sits on a layer of mortar, which in turn sits on a layer of concrete. The mortar serves as both a waterproofing agent and as a bonding agent between the pan and the underlying layers. The concrete provides a stable base for the entire system.

    Response from Shubham Pandey - Mon 2022-09-10

    There are a few things that can go under a shower pan. One option is to install a layer of gravel first, then set the shower pan on top of that. This will help drainage and keep the shower pan in place. Another option is to install a layer of mortar or concrete before setting the shower pan in place. This will create a more solid foundation and also help with drainage. Whichever option you choose, make sure the subfloor is level and stable before installing anything.

    Response from Jai Rangi - Mon 2022-10-17

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