What is grading and site preparation?

I am looking for experts in site preparation. What is grading and site preparation?

Question from Elizabeth King - Mon 2021-04-10

Answers 2

  • Grading is the process of moving earth, using a bulldozer or other grading equipment, to create a desired surface. Site preparation is the process of getting a construction site ready for the installation of a building or other structure. This includes tasks such as removing trees and stumps, demolishing buildings, excavating and compacting soil, laying drainage pipe and fabric, and installing erosion control measures.

    Response from Jennifer Young - Mon 2022-10-18

    Grading is the process of creating a level surface by removing excess earth. Site preparation is the process of getting a construction site ready for the erection of a building or other structure. This includes tasks such as clearing and removing debris, compacting soil, and laying down base materials.

    Response from Donna Mitchell - Mon 2022-12-20

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