How do I fix a dead smartphone?

My old smartphone has been dead for quite a while. How do I fix a dead smartphone?

Question from Christopher Jackson - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • How do I fix a dead smartphone? First, try to determine the cause of death. If it just died suddenly and has never been dropped or mishandled, there may be a problem with the battery. If that's the case, you can usually replace the battery yourself fairly easily. If the phone won't turn on at all and you can't get any response from it when you plug it in to charge, then it's likely a problem with the motherboard and you'll need to take it to a technician for repair.

    Response from Roohi John - Mon 2022-08-08

    There are a few ways to fix a dead smartphone. One way is to replace the battery. Another way is to try charging it with a different cable or charger. If that doesn't work, the next step would be to try replacing the motherboard.

    Response from Michael Lopez - Mon 2022-10-21

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