What is the best soil to build on?

I am planning some construction. I need help finding suitable soil for the project. What is the best ground to build on?

Question from Sarah Nguyen - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • Soil type is one of the most important factors to consider when building. Clay soils are the best for holding together, but they can be difficult to work with and can be quite sticky in wet weather. Sandy soils are easy to work with, but they don't hold together well and can be blown away by wind. Loam soils, which are a mix of clay, sand, and silt, are the best for building because they are easy to work with and they hold together well.

    Response from John Wick - Mon 2022-10-11

    The best soil to build on is soil that is high in organic matter. This type of soil has a good structure, is well drained, and has a high nutrient content. It is also important to choose a site that does not have a lot of foot traffic, as this can compact the soil and make it difficult for plants to grow.

    Response from George Garcia - Mon 2022-11-10

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