Is Sand cheaper than topsoil?

I am confused between topsoil and sand. Is Sand cheaper than topsoil?

Question from Joshua Ramirez - Mon 2021-03-28

Answers 2

  • It depends on where you live. In some places, sand is more expensive than topsoil because it is in higher demand (e.g., near the ocean). In other places, sand may be less expensive because there is a lot of it and people don't typically want it for gardening or landscaping purposes.

    Response from Donna Mitchell - Mon 2022-09-06

    It depends on what you are using the sand or topsoil for. Topsoil is generally more expensive because it is rich in organic matter and has been screened to remove large rocks and debris. Sand is cheaper because it is mostly composed of quartz, which is a mineral that is abundant in the Earth's crust. However, if you are looking for a soil amendment to improve drainage or texture, then sand can be a better option than topsoil.

    Response from Shea Rangi - Mon 2022-09-30

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