Do solar hot water systems need servicing?

I want to service my solar water heater. Do solar hot water systems need servicing?

Question from Carol Jones - Mon 2021-03-21

Answers 2

  • It is good to have your solar water heater serviced at least once a year by a professional. A well-serviced solar water heater will run more efficiently and last longer.

    Response from Christopher Jackson - Mon 2022-12-05

    Solar water heaters definitely need servicing, and you should consult with your solar water heater manufacturer or installer to find out what the recommended service schedule is. usually, a solar water heater will need to be serviced every few years. Some common reasons for needing service on a solar water heater include: blocked pipes or fins, low water pressure, leaks, and errors in the electronic control unit. If you're not comfortable servicing your own system, then it's best to hire a professional to do it for you.

    Response from James Smith - Mon 2022-09-23

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