How do I get rid of squirrels forever?

I want to get rid of the squirrel permanently. How do I get rid of squirrels forever?

Question from Matthew Martin - Mon 2021-04-10

Answers 2

  • There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get rid of squirrels will vary depending on your specific situation and the type of habitat that the squirrels are using. However, some tips on getting rid of squirrels include using traps, scaring them away with loud noises or objects, or repelling them with unpleasant smells. If all else fails, you may also need to resort to lethal methods such as trapping or shooting the animals.

    Response from Kevin Lewis - Mon 2022-12-22

    Well, there are a few different ways that you can go about doing this. One way would be to trap the squirrels and then release them far away from your home so that they can't return. Another way would be to use a repellent spray or powder that will keep the squirrels from coming near your home. Finally, you could also try to evict the squirrels from your property by making loud noises or chasing them away with water guns or other objects. Whichever method you choose, make sure to remain persistent in order to keep the squirrels away for good!

    Response from George Garcia - Mon 2023-01-01

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