How do you make stamped concrete not slippery?

I am installing a stamped concrete. How do you make stamped concrete not slippery?

Question from Steven Harris - Mon 2021-03-13

Answers 2

  • You make stamped concrete not slippery by adding a textured finish to it. A good textured finish will add some grip to the surface and help keep people from slipping on it. There are a number of different ways to add texture to stamped concrete, and each method will give you a slightly different look and feel. Some of the most common methods include stamping with a texture pad, using exposed aggregate, or adding a sealer that includes a colorant or additive for texture. Whichever method you choose, just be sure to test it out in an inconspicuous area first to make sure you like the results.

    Response from Tony Peltier - Mon 2022-07-02

    There are a few ways to make stamped concrete less slippery. One is to increase the texture of the surface by using a stamp with a more pronounced pattern, or by adding sand or other gritty material to the concrete mix. Another option is to treat the surface with a sealer that will make it less slick. A third possibility is to apply an anti-slip coating to the surface after it has dried.

    Response from David Wilson - Mon 2022-07-03

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