How much does it cost to install a storm door?

I want to install a storm door. How much does it cost to install a storm door?

Question from Steve Jobs - Mon 2021-03-16

Answers 2

  • It can cost anywhere from $75 to $300 to install a storm door, depending on the type of door, the size of the door, and the complexity of the installation. Generally speaking, it's going to be more expensive to have a professional install the door than it is to do it yourself.

    Response from Test Test - Mon 2022-07-05

    It typically costs between $75 and $150 to have a storm door installed, depending on the type of door you choose and the complexity of the installation. If you're handy, you may be able to install the storm door yourself for around $25 in materials. But if you're not handy, or if your home has unique installation challenges (like an irregularly-shaped door opening), it's best to hire a professional.

    Response from Emily Campbell - Mon 2022-08-01

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