How much does it cost to replace all appliances?

I want to replace all of my appliances. How much does it cost to replace all of it?

Question from Jessica Torres - Mon 2021-03-27

Answers 2

  • It can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the appliances you choose to replace and the brand names you go with. When shopping for new appliances, always take into account the amount of energy they consume. The higher the wattage, the more electricity they'll use and the more money you'll end up spending on your monthly power bill. You may also want to consider purchasing ENERGY STAR certified appliances, as they use about 10% less energy than other models.

    Response from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2022-08-08

    It can cost a lot of money to replace all of your appliances. The average cost to replace an appliance is $500, but it can range from $100 to $2,000 depending on the type of appliance. Some factors that will affect the price include the brand, features, and size of the appliance. You may also need to hire a professional to install some appliances, which will also increase the cost. Be sure to compare prices between retailers before making a purchase.

    Response from Mary Robinson - Mon 2022-07-21

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