How much does it cost to run a swamp cooler all day?

I was wondering about the swamp cooler. How much would it cost to keep it running all day?

Question from Richard Anderson - Mon 2021-03-21

Answers 2

  • It would depend on the size of the swamp cooler and the local electricity rates. In general, though, it would cost about 10-12 cents per hour to operate a medium-sized swamp cooler.

    Response from Thomas Taylor - Mon 2022-06-11

    A swamp cooler can be had for as little as $150, and it's a good bet that it would only use between $5 and $10 of electricity per day to run. So the total daily cost of running a swamp cooler would be somewhere in the range of $5 to $15.

    Response from Elizabeth King - Mon 2022-11-28

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