How do I fix a crack in my pool underwater?

There is a crack in my pool underwater. How do I fix it?

Question from Barbara Wright - Mon 2021-04-07

Answers 2

  • You can't fix it. You can try to patch it up with some sort of epoxy or other sealant, but the reality is that a pool is nothing more than a big bucket, and if there's a crack in it then water will eventually leak out and you'll have to fix it or replace the entire thing. It's best not to wait until there's a problem, but rather to be proactive and regularly check for cracks and other damage so that you can address them before they become an issue.

    Response from Aaa Aaa - Mon 2022-08-09

    You can fix it by filling the crack with a waterproof sealant or epoxy. Once the sealant or epoxy dries, you can then fill the pool with water.

    Response from Test Test - Mon 2022-12-22

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