How many years should a toilet last?

I recently replaced my toilet. How many years should a toilet last?

Question from Robert Hernandez - Mon 2021-03-29

Answers 2

  • I recently replaced my toilet. How many years should a toilet last? It depends on the quality of the toilet and how well it's maintained. A high-quality, well-maintained toilet should last at least 10 years.

    Response from Linda Allen - Mon 2022-11-01

    It depends on how often you flush and what kind of toilet it is. If you have a low-flush toilet, it might only last a year or two. If you have a regular toilet, it might last 10 years or more. The average lifespan of a standard toilet is about 10 years. But this number can vary greatly based on the frequency of use, the type of flushing system, and the water quality in your area. If you have a low-flush (or water-saving) model, it might only last 1-2 years before needing to be replaced.

    Response from Rish Jam - Mon 2022-09-09

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