How do trees protect the environment?

I am planning on planting more trees. How do trees protect the environment?

Question from Steven Harris - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • Trees protect the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air, and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. they also help to stabilize the soil and reduce erosion. Additionally, trees provide habitat for animals and help to cool the air in urban areas. Planting trees is one of the simplest and most effective things that an individual can do to improve the environment, so we encourage everyone to plant as many trees as possible!

    Response from Brian Williams - Mon 2022-11-03

    Trees offer many environmental benefits, including reducing energy consumption, providing shade and moderating temperatures, intercepting rain and reducing stormwater runoff, cleaning the air, and protecting soil.Trees reduce energy consumption by shading buildings and pavement. In fact, a tree can save up to $480 worth of energy costs per year when planted near a building. A large tree can provide enough shade to cool an entire house in the summer!Trees also provide windbreaks that protect buildings from high winds and reduce heating and cooling costs. Trees planted in urban areas also help to lower temperatures by using evaporative cooling from their leaves.

    Response from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2022-07-13

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