Can I install wallpaper myself?

I want to install the wallpaper myself. Can I do it?

Question from Steven Harris - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • Yes. It is relatively easy to install wallpaper yourself. However, it is important that you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Improper installation may cause the wallpaper to peel or lose its adhesive quality.

    Response from Garry Webber - Mon 2022-12-30

    Yes, you can install wallpaper yourself. But be sure to read the instructions carefully and use the proper tools. Wallpaper is not difficult to install, but there are a few things to keep in mind. For example, you'll want to make sure the surface is smooth and clean before applying the wallpaper. And be sure to measure and cut the wallpaper accurately so that you don't have any excess or gaps. If you're not confident about installing wallpaper yourself, it's best to hire a professional.

    Response from Betty Adams - Mon 2022-08-03

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