Is it worth getting a washing machine repair?

I need to get my washing machine repaired. Is it worth getting a washing machine repair?

Question from Lisa Flores - Mon 2021-04-11

Answers 2

  • It depends. If your washing machine is still under warranty, then it would be best to have the manufacturer fix it. However, if your washing machine is out of warranty, then you may want to consider having a repairperson fix it. Keep in mind that the cost of the repair may be more than the cost of a new washing machine.

    Response from Michelle Carter - Mon 2022-11-10

    It depends. If the washing machine is still under warranty, then it would be more cost effective to send it in for repairs. If the washing machine is old and out of warranty, then it might make more sense to purchase a new one. However, there are some benefits to getting a washing machine repaired. For example, if the washing machine is still under warranty, the company might void the warranty if a new one is purchased. In addition, repairing the washing machine could be cheaper than purchasing a new one.

    Response from William Gonzalez - Mon 2022-10-05

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