How long do water mains take to fix?

The main water line has stopped working. How long do water mains take to fix?

Question from Dorothy Hall - Mon 2021-03-23

Answers 2

  • Water mains take an average of 3 days to fix, but it can take up to a week. In most cases, the water company will first try to determine where the problem is. They'll then turn off the water to that area and start working on fixing the main. It's important to note that while they're working on repairing the main, you may not have any water (or very limited water).

    Response from Emily Campbell - Mon 2022-08-02

    Depending on the size of the water main, it could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Larger mains usually take longer to repair than smaller ones. In some cases, parts may need to be ordered, which could add an extra day or two.

    Response from Barbara Wright - Mon 2022-10-01

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