Who is responsible for mains water pipes?

I need help with the installation of the main water pipes. Who is responsible for mains water pipes?

Question from James Smith - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • This is a question that can be best answered by your local water authority. Each municipality has their own set of rules and regulations when it comes to the installation of water mains. You can contact your local government office or visit their website to get more information on who is responsible for this type of work in your area.

    Response from Susan Scott - Mon 2022-11-22

    The installation and repair of mains water pipes is generally the responsibility of your local water authority. If you're experiencing problems with your mains water supply, or if you need to install a new pipe, then you should contact your local authority for assistance.

    Response from Linda Allen - Mon 2022-07-23

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