What is the difference between cutters and welders?

I am confused between cutters and welders. What is the difference between cutters and welders?

Question from Matthew Martin - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • Cutters and welders are two types of metalworkers. Welders join pieces of metal together by melting them and fusing them together. Cutters cut pieces of metal to size with a tool like a saw or a laser. Welders tend to work with thicker pieces of metal, while cutters can work with thinner pieces. Welders also typically have more experience and skills than cutters.

    Response from Test - Mon 2022-08-27

    Cutters are machines that use a high-pressure stream of water to cut through hard materials like metal or concrete. Welders, on the other hand, use heat and/or pressure to join two pieces of metal together.

    Response from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2022-08-22

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