What is used for cutting and welding of metals in industry?

I need professional help cutting and welding metals. What is used for cutting and welding metals in the industry?

Question from Matthew Martin - Mon 2021-04-02

Answers 2

  • There are a variety of different methods that can be used for cutting and welding metals in industry. Some of the most common methods include: -Arc welding: This is a process in which a welding current is passed between two pieces of metal, causing them to heat up and fuse together. -Gas welding: This is a process in which heat is generated by burning a gas (usually acetylene) and then used to melt the metals being welded. - oxy-fuel cutting: In this process, oxygen is blown onto the metal being cut, causing it to burn and generate heat. The heat from the burning metal is then used to sever the piece from the rest of the object.

    Response from John Martinez - Mon 2022-09-16

    Industrial cutting and welding of metals is done with a number of different tools and equipment. Some of the most common methods include gas torches, oxy-acetylene torches, plasma cutters, and arc welders. Each method has its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the right tool for the job.

    Response from Steve Jobs - Mon 2022-08-15

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