How much does it cost to put trim around a window?

I need to install the window trims with the help of experts. How much does it cost to put a frame around a window?

Question from Charles Moore - Mon 2021-03-14

Answers 2

  • It can cost anywhere from $5 to $15 per linear foot, depending on the type of trim and the materials used. There are a few things to consider when pricing out trim installation: the material, the width of the trim, the labor required, and any special features or details that need to be taken into account. Most trim is available in either PVC or wood, with PVC being the more affordable option. The labor involved will depend on the complexity of the job, but is typically priced by the hour. And finally, some extra features like corners or carved molding can add to the cost.

    Response from Thad Tucker - Mon 2022-10-06

    It can cost anywhere from $5 to $15 per linear foot to have trim installed around a window. The price will depend on the type of wood used, the intricacy of the design, and the size and height of the window.

    Response from Richard Anderson - Mon 2022-07-31

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