Does peeling pick up yard waste?

I am looking to get the yard waste removed. Does peeling pick up yard waste?

Question from Brian Williams - Mon 2021-04-10

Answers 2

  • Yes, peeling does pick up yard waste. In fact, we offer a number of different services that can help you take care of your yard waste including picking it up and disposing of it for you. We also have options for composting and mulching. So whatever your needs may be, we likely have a service that can help you out. Contact us to learn more about our services and pricing.

    Response from Test - Mon 2022-12-13

    Yes, peeling does pick up yard waste. However, it is recommended that you call your local municipality to inquire about specific regulations, as some areas have restrictions on what type of yard waste can be collected. Thanks for asking!

    Response from John Wick - Mon 2022-07-27

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