How do you get rid of branches in your yard?

I need to get rid of branches in my yard. How do you get rid of branches in your yard?

Question from Joseph Thomas - Mon 2021-04-11

Answers 2

  • You can get rid of branches in your yard by cutting them down with a saw. Be sure to wear gloves and safety goggles when you're doing this, as it can be dangerous. You may also want to consider using a chainsaw to cut the branches down.

    Response from Annu Singh - Mon 2022-09-07

    There are a few ways to get rid of branches in your yard. One is to use a chainsaw to cut them down. Another is to use a wood saw to cut them into smaller pieces that you can then remove from your yard. Yet another is to use an axe to chop the branches off at the stem. Whichever way you choose, be sure to wear safety gear like goggles, gloves, and a mask to protect yourself from debris and splinters.

    Response from Bruno Mars - Mon 2022-11-24

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